Saturday 4 April 2015

A Chongqing Surprise

It has been a while since I have updated this blog. Mainly due to work, the dreaded report writing season and the subsequent deadly (yet necessary) sin of sloth that followed.

Last month, Kate suggested a surprise visit to Chongqing to celebrate Lyra’s birthday. So, on the 13th of March I joined Kate, Becky and Mike to put her plan into action. It had been five months since we attended Omar and Lyra’s wedding, so we were all excited for a return trip.

After the three-hour flight, we took a taxi to a top-secret location that Omar had suggested (a subway station). We anxiously waited there while he took a taxi with an unsuspecting Lyra so that we could ambush her with a slightly drunken barbershop quarter remix of the happy birthday song.

Lyra was genuinely touched by the gesture and we quickly made our way to a small restaurant where we sat outside, chatting, drinking beer and gorging on aubergine into the early hours of the morning.

The following day, we explored more of central Chongqing. After a delicious meal, we took a cable car across the river. The views (apparently) were rather nice. I was a tad apprehensive at the prospect of dangling on a cable in a rather full cable car and therefore did not appreciate the scenery to the fullest.

Becky and Lyra enjoying the cable car journey while I assess the risk-factor.

Omar and I with a haunting rendition of Wuthering Heights.

Chongqing is famous for spicy hotpot so it would have been a travesty if we didn’t try it on our second visit there. Later, we went to KTV and belted out karaoke classics. The only way to soothe a hoarse throat after a singing marathon is to guzzle a bowl of beef noodle soup (or two…).

Oodles of noodles
On the final day of our weekend trip, we had brunch at an Irish bar before bidding farewell and making our way to the airport. It was such a great weekend spending time and reminiscent of our first few months spent in Beijing together. Thank you to Omar and Lyra for being great hosts, thanks Kate for the great suggestion of spreading birthday cheer and thanks to Becky for the photos I have stolen!

Tháng trước, bạn thân của tôi có một bữa tiệc sinh nhật ở Trùng Khánh. Chúng tôi ăn lẩu – nó thật là ngon! Sau đó chúng tôi đi hát karaoke. Thật vui mừng được gặp lại bạn bè cũ.

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