Tuesday 4 November 2014

Shortumn and Kimcheese

I have always liked Autumn. So it is unfortunate that Beijing has long hot summers and cold dry winters, with a very brief Spring and Autumn. Autumn in Beijing, or “Shortumn” as I have now decided to call it, offers comfortable temperatures in which I don’t end up a hot sweaty mess or a cold shivering wreck.

Luckily, this year, Shortumn seems to be lasting a while longer which is a welcome surprise because the central heating in Beijing will not get turned on until November 15th. When the air quality was good, I managed to take some photographs of the leaves changing colours. Beijing’s many parks are a beautiful place to be at this time of the year. With APEC preparations underway, people in Beijing can hopefully expect a short but happy period of clear blue skies.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a craving for kimchi (fermented cabbage dish), which I had not enjoyed since visiting South Korea during the summer holiday. So I was overjoyed to see that my local supermarket sells a kind of kimchi. I decided to pair it with something else I had been craving…cheese on toast! I feel that I may have created something quite wonderful here. I have dubbed this culinary masterpiece kimcheese on toast. Not one to brag, but the spicy and sour kimchi formed a happy partnership with the cooling properties of the melted cheese. There will be another story in a similar vein to this exciting development in a short while, but for now please view my delectable dish…

More recently, I visited Glasses City in Panjiayuan. I felt it was time to update my specs. There were so many glasses to look at, including some suspicious brands that could be referred to as “Calvin Clones”. Some shopkeepers were a little too pushy and there wasn’t much English spoken; however, if you take your glasses prescription or a pair of your own glasses, they will provide you with the correct lenses. I am now a proud owner of a new pair of glasses! Woohoo!

Later that day, some friends and I went to Palms LA Kitchen and Bar which is situated in Zhangwang Hutong. This restaurant specialises in…Mexican and Korean fusion food! Yes, my kimchi craving would be satisfied once more. The food was so tasty that I was unable to take any photographs because I was too busy eating. Perhaps it was a subconscious decision so that I will have to return in order to get evidence of the experience! The kimchi quesadillas were possibly even better than kimcheese on toast. My kimchi senses are tingling and telling me that a return visit is on the cards soon.

Công việc của tôi gần đây hoàn toàn rất khó...

Vào giờ này tháng sau, tôi đang đi du lịch ở Seoul để chúc mừng sinh nhật thứ 30 của bạn tôi.. Tôi thích các món ăn Hàn Quốc Tôi yêu mùa thu!

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