Tuesday 17 February 2015

Year Of The Yang

The Year Of The Horse has reached the final furlong. The preparations for Lunar New Year have been audibly and visibly evident for weeks already: shops blasting out "catchy" New Year-themed music, fireworks stalls popping up and an abundance of festive decorations on display.

I plan to enjoy the excitement of the New Year celebrations, however, I have a deep concern with regard to the next Chinese Zodiac Year. Just by looking at the paper cuttings and cuddly toys on offer, it's clear to me that there is confusion about which animal is representing the next zodiac year. Messages sent from Chinese colleagues and friends are further evidence to the inconsistencies of which cloven-hoofed chum is in charge.

The problem stems from the translation of “羊” (yáng). This character is used in the Chinese words for sheep “绵羊”(miányáng), goat “山羊” (shānyáng) and ram “公羊” (gōngyáng).

It doesn’t seem to bother people that any of these three fleecy friends can be used. I just don’t want to have the wool pulled over my eyes. I would like to have some clarity about which of these shaggy associates I can consider my mascot for the year.

The horse has basked in the glory for an entire year without a zebra, donkey or mule getting a look-in. Perhaps it’s my Welsh blood causing some bias and wanting the humble sheep to have it’s time in the limelight; without having to share it with a goat, ram or being served on a plate with mint sauce and gravy.

Having conducted a little online research, it seems that I am not alone in the quest for a definitive answer to the question: 2015 is the year of the…?

In reality, it doesn’t bother me too much. On the eve of the Lunar New Year, I am feeling grateful that the pollution is low and the sun is shining here in Beijing. I will just follow the herd and join in with the festivities without fretting too much. This evening I will flock to Houhai and enjoy the fireworks and celebrations. Although, I am not sure if I will buy any souvenirs on offer tonight – I don’t want to get fleeced!

Happy New Year everyone!

Tết sắp đến rồi. Tôi có tám ngày nghỉ lễ. Tôi ăn Tết ở Bắc Kinh 2 lần rồi. Cao điểm của buổi lễ mừng năm mới thường là cuộc trình diễn pháo hoa. Bạn nghĩ gì về ngày Tết ở Việt Nam? Chúng Mừng Năm Mới và vạn sự tốt lành!

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