Tuesday 26 May 2015

Mike's Chomping Cheesy Chinese Chow Challenge #3 - Baozi

Despite being immensely busy with the end of academic year looming, I have gallantly continued on my adventure to add cheese to Chinese food. I shall not leave any snack “un-fromaged” until I have found the perfectly delicious combination. 

Following the successful yet rancid research into the unification of stinky tofu and blue cheese, I decided to try a slightly less nauseating experiment. 

Baozi (包子) are steamed bread-like buns which can have a variety of fillings. My personal favourite filling has to be pork. What is not to like about a bready, porky, cheap snack. But what harm could come from adding cheese into this equation? 

I carefully escorted my newly purchased baozi back to the safety of my apartment and cautiously placed it on a plate. Then I realised I had almost committed a rookie mistake and still needed to remove the nappy-like paper from the bottom of the bun. 

I didn’t just want a cheese-coated baozi, so I decided to get all up in that baozi and cut it in half, allowing me to stuff some grated cheese inside.

After much deliberation, I came to the conclusion: the perfect ratio of meat to cheddar is achieved by taking half of the baozi and filling it until it is completely crammed with a cheesy-pork mixture. 

Had I transformed this fluffy baozi into a cloud-like burger? A baoger perhaps? 

I had no doubt that the cheese would taste great with the pork filling – after all, I was playing it safe after my previous stinky experiment. However, I hadn't prepared myself for how delicious it really was!

This will not be the last time I grate some cheese into my baozi...

Tháng trước tôi đã ăn bánh bao nhân thịt và phô mát bào. Nó rất đậm đà!

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