Sunday 7 June 2015

Beijing Summer: The Beijing Battalion Part 2

The Beijing summer can be a long, hot, sweaty experience for a pasty-skinned Welshman. Apart from slathering on sunscreen lotion when the sunlight burns through the smog, there are other things you can do to alleviate the uncomfortable heat.

Firstly, wake up early in order to enjoy a hearty breakfast in the shade before the temperature gets too high.

Sitting outside in the shade of a tree while watching breakfast being prepared was the perfect way to start the day. This tasty feast of baozi (包子) and wonton soup (馄饨) was the delicious and kept me full for a good few hours.

Next, invest in some electrical appliances that will make the summer months just a tad more bearable. Now that the long, harsh winter is a distant memory, Peter and Rita the heater are no longer needed. Instead, I require the help of the following additions to the Beijing Battalion:

Don the Air-Con

Don has had a rather relaxed period up until recently. He was quite grumpy when woken from hibernation and often complains about being overworked. This results in him weeping and leaking his tears onto furniture as he protests about constantly cooling the apartment.

Stan the Fan

Stan is my biggest fan. Haha. He helps out when Don decides to imitate a waterfall. Stan offers support at those crucial moments when it gets too stuffy. 

Glenda the Blender

Glenda is the latest recruit to join the Beijing Battalion. When the temperature soars to mid-thirties, I generally lose my appetite. Glenda can offer a tasty soup or a thirst-quenching smoothie for the rare occasions when a full, stodgy meal does not appeal. 

Finally, the last piece of sage advice is to militantly binge on ice cream. 

Ở Bắc Kinh, nắng hè nóng hừng hực. Một trong những thú vui nhỏ trên đời là được uống một cốc nước trái cây tươi vào một ngày hè nóng bức. Làm sao giữ mát mẻ trong những ngày oi bức được?

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