Wednesday 16 July 2014

Hi Shanghai!

I landed in Shanghai yesterday evening. After the meal on the flight from Seoul, I wasn't too hungry so I had a stroll along The Bund.

On my way back to the hotel, I stopped at a small shop and discovered my favourite Chinese rice cake snacks, 旺旺小酥 (wàng wàng xiăo sū). I think I like the pepper flavour the most.

Today I have managed to take in some more sights. Yesterday it had been raining and was quite cloudy, so after a clearer view of the iconic skyscrapers, I walked to Yu Yuan market, visited the People's Square and decided to have Yang's pan fried dumplings for lunch. I had shrimp and pork dumplings. They were piping hot and juicy. I had already read that the correct way to eat them is to pierce the dumpling, let out the steam, slurp the soup from inside and then munch away! I preferred the pork dumplings but both were great. If I was to stay longer in Shanghai, I fear a potential dumpling addiction would be on the cards.

This evening I had another look around the city and admired the different architecture. For dinner I had hot pot. It tested my Chinese reading skills as everything was ordered by computer. However, the staff were very helpful and were able to talk me through the procedure. I chose a sushi starter, three different soups and beef with vegetables. Washed down with a Tsing Tao. Yum.

As I walked off my dinner, I went back to The Bund to take some photographs as the lights were turned on.

Thượng Hải nổi tiếng về gì? Bến Thượng Hải là một thắng cảnh nổi tiếng của Thượng Hải. Đường chân trời bị bao quát bởi các tòa nhà chọc trời cao ngất . 

Hôm nay tôi đã ăn bánh bao áp chảo Thượng Hải. Ngon quá! 
Sau đó tôi ăn lẩu. Ở nhà hàng này, tôi gọi món ăn bằng máy vi tính. Tôi đang ở khu công nghệ cao ◑▂◐

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