Friday 25 July 2014

Ngân điên

Today I met Ngân and her family. Ngân was my student when I was a volunteer English teacher in 2006. Her family has always welcomed me each time I have returned to Vietnam. I affectionately call her Ngân điên (crazy Ngan) which her mum encourages haha!

Tonight, she also invited some friends and colleagues. Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese and English were spoken during dinner. An international party!

We ate spring rolls, sweet potato chips, chicken, stew, noodles and vegetables. Ngân's mum is a great cook.

It is always nice to see Ngân and her family. Her dad was particularly happy to see that I have put on weight since the last time we met.

On the way back to the hotel, I took a motorbike taxi (xe ôm). I realised how times have changed. Now, some motorbike taxis have a meter!

Tối nay tôi đã gặp một sinh viên cũ của tôi. Tôi rất thích gia đình Ngân. Họ làm tôi vui lắm, thoải mái. Mẹ Ngân nấu ăn rất giỏi. Họ đã rất cố gắng để tôi cảm thấy được dễ chịu. Chúng tôi đã đó tình bạn gắn bó keo sơn tám năm nay.

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