Tuesday 29 July 2014

Uncle Ho Bác Hồ

Today I visited the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. I have been inside before, so today I just enjoyed walking around and taking in the sights.

As I made my way back, it clouded over, the heavens opened and I was caught in yet another rainstorm. I managed to get a photo of the Flag Tower Of Hanoi before getting utterly drenched. Check out the angry clouds...

After resembling a drowned rodent for the third time in a week, I felt it was only fair to treat myself to a cupcake. I stopped off at Mint Cupcake Creations and chose a key lime cupcake. It was the perfect remedy to getting soaked. I also liked the look of the cookie chocolate cupcakes on offer, so I will be keeping an eye on the weather forecast while planning a return visit!

Later in the day, I met with Hieu and Nhung. I first met them eight years ago. It was wonderful to see them again and meet their daughters.

We had dinner at a seafood restaurant. It was definitely a big, tasty feast! We had snails, squid, crab, clams, noodles and shrimp soup.

I walked off the meal with a lap around Hoan Kiem Lake. A nice end to the day.

Hôm nay tôi đã đi thăm lăng Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh. 
Tôi biết là sẽ có mưa rào nhưng tôi không biết rằng là nó sẽ mưa như trút thế :))
Sau đó, tôi đã ăn một bánh nướng nhỏ...ngon quá!
Tối nay, tôi và bạn bè đã đến một nhà hàng hải sản. Ở nhà hàng này có quá nhiều món trong thực đơn. Tôi thích ăn hải sản. 

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