Friday 18 July 2014


Suzhou has been described by some, as 'The Venice of China'. I have yet to go to Venice, so I couldn't pass judgement on that. But so far, I like it here.
Thankfully, when I arrived, the hotel let me check in ahead of time, so I had a cheeky nap after the early morning train journey. Because I hadn't planned any visits or researched places to see, I quickly looked online for some ideas.

I decided on beginning my adventure with a visit to the Master Of The Nets Garden (网师园 Wǎngshī Yuán). My navigation skills are not one of my strengths, so I felt suitably smug when I located it. It is a beautifully designed traditional garden and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Apart from a humorously animated gaggle of pensioners playing games and chatting, it was perfectly serene with very few visitors.

After the garden, I had a tasty lunch at Yang Yang Dumpling Restaurant. I stuffed myself with pork and vegetable dumplings, pineapple rice and stir fried beans with potato.

As the sun began to set, I walked to Pingjiang Road. It runs parallel to one of the many canals here. There are some quaint tea rooms, restaurants and souvenir shops along the road. I think Mum would enjoy the calmer approach by shopkeepers here. They seldom insisted that I bought their goods and didn't invade my personal space.

I had a wonderful boat trip along the canal. The man at the helm of my Chinese gondola occasionally burst into song, although on reflection, it seems to be part of the job description as opposed to a melodic form of Tourette's.

It has been a lovely day!

Tô Châu là thành phố nổi tiếng với các cây cầu và kênh đào. Nó được so sánh với thành phố kênh đào nổi tiếng Venice ở Ý.

Hầu hết khu vườn ở Tô Châu đều xưa hàng thế kỷ và đã từng là vườn tư nhân.

Hôm nay tôi ăn đậu que, khoai tây, cơm rang dứa và bánh bao. ⊙﹏⊙ Chẹp chẹp!

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